Traces of Beta Yoshi's Genetic Material Can Still be Found in Super Mario World
The Nintendo Gigaleak reminds us immortality through our offspring is possible. (And potentially disturbing.)
The 10 Gaming Trends That Need to Die on Next-Gen Consoles
The USG team has come together to talk smack about the trends we can't stand as we look ahead to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Axe of the Blood God: What Does the Future Hold for Next-Gen RPGs?
We talk about all the ways RPGs might change on Xbox Series X and PS5.
USG Game of the Month: Necrobarista Is an Electric Story About Letting Go
Our Game of the Month for July 2023 is a moving tale at the edge of the afterlife.
Latest News
Next-Gen Price Bumps Reflect the "Quality of the Experience," Says Take-Two CEO
The $10 hike reflects an increase in quality and costs.
EA Lays Out Madden's Franchise Mode Roadmap Through Madden 22
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Spider-Man Will Be a PlayStation Exclusive For Marvel's Avengers
The neighborhood is a little less friendly on PC and Xbox.
Sony "Believes in Generations," So You Can't Use The DualShock 4 to Play PS5 Games
Sony outlines which PlayStation 4 accessories will and will not work with its upcoming console.
Analogue Pocket Goes Up For Pre-Order, Sells Out in Under an Hour
It's up... aaaand it's gone.
Link's Crafting From Breath of the Wild Makes Conspicuous Appearance in Serious Historical Fiction
John Boyne's A Traveller at the Gates of Wisdom just needs a couple of sequels: A Traveller at the Gates of Courage and A Traveller at the Gates of Power.
Valorant Gets a Free-For-All Deathmatch Mode This Week
Time for some classic DM.
Guilty Gear Strive Will Be Coming to PS5, Steam
Two fighters join the lineup too, including one newcomer.
Latest Articles
Starting Screen | There Shouldn't be a New Call of Duty in 2023
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone is getting its new season this week, but all eyes are on what's next for the series.
What Song Would You Like to Hear in a Tony Hawk Game Soundtrack?
COMMUNITY QUESTION | We know what's in the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 remake now, so let's suggest other tracks.
Gundam Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost On Review: Just Communication
Bandai Namco's arcade port is an odd but wonderful anachronism.
StarCraft 2's Rollercoaster Decade, As Remembered By Its Developers
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Don't Call Fight Crab Another "Gag Game"
We chat with the developer behind Fight Crab, a crustacean-led, physics-heavy fighting game.
Branching Narratives: Jeff Green on '90s PC Gaming Magazines, Getting Older in the Games Industry, and GFW Radio Memories
This week's it the Black Dragon's turn to share his long journey through the games industry.
Grounded is Off to a Good Start, And Game Pass Gives It Room to Grow
Obsidian Entertainment's survival game has a chance to survive in a crowded genre.
A tactics game that taps into our inner goth rock fan.
Starting Screen is our weekly column featuring news, commentary, and music to help you get over your case of the Mondays.
View Starting Screen archive手机免费ip地址更换软件StarCraft Deserves Better
On its 10th anniversary, the future of Blizzard's flagship RTS is uncertain. It shouldn't be.
Starting Screen | It's a Critical Week for the Future of Halo
Halo Infinite is finally being revealed this week. Will it be good enough to return to gaming's top echelons?
Starting Screen | A Tribute to Final Fantasy 9 on Its 20th Anniversary
Final Fantasy 9 once relied on nostalgia, and now we're all nostalgic for it itself.
Popular Games
Ghost of Tsushima
The 10 Gaming Trends That Need to Die on Next-Gen Consoles
The Last of Us Part 2
The 10 Gaming Trends That Need to Die on Next-Gen Consoles
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Animal Crossing New Horizons New Fish and Bugs August 2023: What's Leaving and What's Being Added
Pokemon Sword
Pokemon Sword and Shield Walkthrough
Apex Legends
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Call of Duty: Warzone
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Latest Reviews
Apex Legends 2023 Review: Still in the Ring
With cross-play and a Switch launch looming, now feels like a fine time for a reevaluation.
Carrion Review: All-Consuming Carnage
It's the monster's time to shine.
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Is one life ever enough?
Panzer Paladin Review: A Lovable Retro Hero Rolls to the Rescue
Inside every great robot hero, there's a tiny robot woman with a big whip.
Rocket Arena Review: A Fleeting Blast From the Past
First Strike Games's new arena shooter is briefly delightful, but it's unlikely to have much staying power.
Paper Mario: The Origami King Review: Know When to Fold 'Em
Mario's latest action-adventure game won't give you paper cuts.
Ghost of Tsushima Review: Hopefully Not The Last Samurai
The era of the PlayStation 4 ends with this rousing samurai adventure.
Deadly Premonition 2 Review: What Year Is This, Zach?
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Axe of the Blood God: What Does the Future Hold for Next-Gen RPGs?
We talk about all the ways RPGs might change on Xbox Series X and PS5.
国外免费伋理ip地址Ghost of Tsushima
Ghost of Tsushima Players Take Over 1.5 Million Photos Every Day
Pretty incredible statistics for a great photo mode.
Yakuza Series Boss Heaps Praise Upon Ghost of Tsushima
Toshihiro Nagoshi says Ghost of Tsushima was so good that Japan should've made it.
Ghost of Tsushima Patch Expands Its Difficulty Range With Harder and Easier Options
Sucker Punch aims to help out the low and high end of Ghost of Tsushima players.
What We Want From a Ghost of Tsushima Sequel
Sucker Punch will probably revisit its ode to samurai culture, but should it?
Ghost of Tsushima Becomes Biggest First-Party PS4 Debut in Japan
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Ghost of Tsushima Pretty Much Sums Up This Generation
Sucker Punch's open-world samurai game exemplifies a generation that's more about "what works" than genuine ambition.
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The Prophecy is revealed.
Long Reads
One Year Later, Fire Emblem: Three Houses's Very Horny Community Endures
Here's to you, erotic and non-erotic artists.
USgamer Roundtable: Which Next-Gen Console Looks Stronger Right Now, PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X?
飞鱼IP怎样快速切换全国IP地址-动态飞鱼ip伋理:2021-6-21 · 飞鱼IP优质ip换软件,高性价比的千万ip库专享独连全国线路任选,支持IOS,安卓,电脑ip切换,自动去重,极易操作,安全可靠.遍布260个城市优质节点,支持多协议连接,数万独拨线路保证用户独享4-8M带宽
Suikoden Fans Have Good Reason to be Optimistic About Eiyuden Chronicle
This... this might be it, you guys.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Finds Cool, Creative Ways to Skin You Alive
This friendly-looking bandicoot bites, which is exactly what Crash fans want.
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Halo Infinite, Everwild, and Fable star as Xbox Series X shows us what it's got.
After Four Hours, Star Wars: Squadrons is a Faster, Deeper X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
We go hands-on with Star Wars: Squadrons and find a revival that's unpolished but promising.
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In 1995, a select few welcomed Jack Frost into the domain of Western mortals.
Feeling Horse: Looking at Ghost of Tsushima's Most Genuine Moment
Long faces all around.
New "Gigaleak" of Nintendo Prototypes and Source Code Is a Huge Deal - Here's Why
This is a massive look into older Nintendo development.
The Analogue Pocket Won't Save Our Souls Until 2021, but Pre-Orders Will Go Live Next Week
ip转换器_ip转换工具_ip转换器免费版 - 多多软件站:2021-12-21 · IP是每个上网电脑所用有的地址,即IP地址,给大家打个通俗易懂的比方吧:也就相当于每个家庭的门牌号一样,它是一个相对固定的号码,而IP转换器是一款软件,只要申请的线路为ADSL 或 动态IP的光纤,可伍使用本软件自动切换IP,该软件节省了用户更改IP地址而需要操作的一些繁琐的事,更加方 …
Final Fantasy 9's Director Tries to Suss Out What Its Return to "Roots" Really Meant
Nostalgia is subjective.
Nightdive Studios's CEO Is "Never Going to Stop" Trying to Revive No One Lives Forever
Maybe the team will take another crack at licensing NOLF after finishing the System Shock remake?
Role Playing Games
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List (August 2023)
All the info you need on getting and redeeming SHiFT Codes in Borderlands 3, plus how to get Golden Keys to earn loot.
A New Beyond Good & Evil Netflix Movie is the Latest Bit of Cruel Hope for Long Suffering Fans
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People Can Fly Is Staffing up for a Next-Gen Action Adventure to Follow Outriders
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Unique "Anti-RPG" Moon Comes to Nintendo Switch in August
For the first time in English, at that.
Hawkeye Is Coming to Marvel's Avengers in a Story Inspired by His Best Comics Run
Clint is one of four heroes Crystal Dynamics plans to add.
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They're still early in development, though.
Sounds Like Cyberpunk 2077's Melee Weapons Can Be Coated With Toxins
And who knows what nasty stuff Night City's residents will put on their blades.
Temtem: Where to Catch Rhoulder
The Neutral/Earth-type rhino Temtem is a powerful foe and ally alike. We'll show you how to catch it and whether you should have one in your Temdeck team.
Latest Guides
Red Dead Online: Legendary Emerald Wolf Location
Grounded: How to Get Berry Leather
Grounded: Where to Find Flower Petals
Red Dead Online: How to Find All Legendary Animals
Red Dead Online: Legendary Marble Fox Location
Animal Crossing New Horizons New Fish and Bugs August 2023: What's Leaving and What's Being Added
Animal Crossing New Horizons: How to Make Bells Quickly (August 2023)
NBA 2K20 Locker Codes For August 2023
Red Dead Online: Error 0x40003002 Explained
Temtem: Saipark Safari This Week (3rd August - 9th Augusr)
Borderlands 3 Shift Codes List (August 2023)
Red Dead Online: How to Get Naturalist XP Quickly
Grounded: How to Get Mint Chunks
Grounded: Where to Find Quartzite
Red Dead Online: Legendary Wakpa Boar Location